Thursday, November 1, 2012


As our candy handovers are going away, November is already here and with that come National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  For all those who have ever thought about writing a book or Novel, now is your chance to do it.  NaNoWriMo's main goal is to get people to write, its 30 where you take on idea and turn it into a novel for your friends to ready, and who knows maybe you can sell it and be the next big author.

But all that aside you are not alone in this venture, their is an online community that has been built around NaNoWriMo where you can keep track of your word count, and post parts of your story for all to ready.  By the end of the month your 50,000 word novel will be done and you can say you have accomplished something, and if not then you still are a winner for trying and then their is always next year to do better.

So I urge you all to give this a try, I know I am and, you should get some friends or coworkers to do it with you always better to have some others doing it with you to keep you on your goal.  Well I better get back to my novel writing before I get behind.

You can find more information at NaNoWriMo's website:  good luck to you all and have fun writing

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