Monday, March 3, 2008

great weekend

Saturday I had good and fun day something I haven't had in some time. The original plan was to go to a gem fair with my friend Alix for her class. The one problem over the week before was if I could get there or not because we were down to one car with the Van in the shop. So a few days before a new plan was created to go to her house Friday with her dad spend the night and then go hiking that day and then to the gem show. Well the Van was working so we didn't have to worry about that however having no plans at all Saturday and being bored at home I decided to go on the hike anyways so not wanting to get up early I drove out their Friday night.

Saturday work up early cause we had to meet the group at 7am for this hike. We drove to the trailhead and off we went. The day was nice and overcast with some light rain so we didn't have to worry about the heat. About 7 miles and 4 hours later we were back at the cars and the hike was over. You might ask why so long well it was with a troop with some young scouts. Alix went cause she’s preparing to go to Philmont this summer.

Going back to Alix's house to clean up and get ready for the show we decided to go over to our friends Eva's house because we wanted Ihope. So for a late lunch (2:30) we all got one dish and did like a family share thing and had a little of everything. We were trying to convince Eva to come with use cause we were going to go to a comedy club after the gem show since we are out their. But her mom would not let her go with us so after drooping her off at home off to the gem show but realizing that it closed at 5 and it was 4pm with a good 45 min drive their.

Getting there with a few minutes to spare Alix went in to get the paperwork she needed to prove she went. After that we parked the car at a park and went walking down main street walking in to a thrift store looking at all the cool things Alix found me a cowboy shirt that I decided to buy for cowboy day at camp. We kept walking finding numerous thrift stores (that were closed) and antique store it was a great time walking around talking and looking in all the stores that were open including the ice cream.

So we decided to go back to the car and find a close parking spot. Getting back to the car Alix turned to me asking if I left the lights on in the car which I did so we had to get the car jumped. As I started to call AAA a park guy came by and was able to jump our car and off to driving around to charge the battery. We decided that instead of waiting another hour for the show we went back to T.O. to see a movie but after not being able to find a showing that would fit our time we went to blockbuster and rented some movies. Eventually all good times come to on end and after on early day home I went to sleep and start a whole new day.


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