Sunday, February 24, 2008

51 Students

So last weekend was Presidents Day Weekend and we had a holiday (i.e. no school Monday). Because of that one of the teachers at work decided to work on planning a trip to a LAUSD Camp called Clear Creak. Once all the paper work was done we were approved and we had a spot at Clear Creak, and a trip for the high school students for the weekend. For this trip we left Friday and got back Sunday so their goes most of the weekend, and then taking 51 students. You must be thinking wow how crazy we were for giving up a weekend, well so u know it was also 3 teachers and myself a teacher aid what a crazy staff we have for this school.

So for the weekend we went on a long and nice hike which I think over all the students enjoyed. We did some arts and crafts project, and some survival stuff. Along with that we saw the animals around the area, and Saturdays night they had what was called teacher time where we split up into two groups and played some mental and physical games like 4 is the magic number and blob. Some things the students complained about was the food being almost the same at school and small sizes oh and the 3 min show they got to take Saturday. After this weekend I was thinking about what I do over the summer and say that most of this students could not do what we do for the summer being in the mountains with no electronics, showers and late hours with the same food every week.

Over all the students did have fun even with few problems, the teachers had fun but also a tiering time. Still think we are crazy???

I know I am


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