Friday, January 25, 2008


So this morning I was woken up really early at about 5 am or around there. I come to find that there was no power in half of the house when I was woken up and my dad was looking for a flashlight. I find it funny but bad all at the same time because the upstairs half of the house has no power and the downstairs half of the house had normal power. With the lack of power the first thought was we tripped a breaker outside. However, with a look at the box we come to find that all the breakers are fine nothing was tripped so next comes the reason why there is no power. Still after much testing and looking around we have not been able to find the reason for the power not working. So at this point their is no power upstairs and we now have to find on electrician to try and figure out why we don't have power to half the house.

With the lack of power more problems have come up. The first this is that all the bedrooms are upstairs and their are fewer windows up their so very little light from outside. The next this is that we don't have heat and in my room I have lizards that need the room to stay warm so now were trying to keep my room warm for the lizards. Another problem that came up is that all the computers, cable modem, and router are upstairs so our network doesn't work. Well i was able to fix part of that problem with a power cord from downstairs to upstairs that only has the cords for the modem and router so that we can at least use the internet with our laptops downstairs. Even right now I'm writing this in my room using the battery that will die soon :(

Wow this has been a long day and I have no idea when the power will be restored to the upstairs half of the house.


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