Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hip Hop in the Media

So for those that don’t know this semester I’m taking a Journalism of gender, race and sex in media ….or well that’s the title of the class or close to it. In this class we go through media and look at it deconstructing it and finding the deeper meaning of that media.  This last class session we were watching a documentary Hip Hop Beyond Beats and Rhythms by Byron Hurt.

Hip Hop Beyond Beats and Rhythms was talking about how all hip hop of recent time gives the message of being a man asserting dormancy by having lots of guns, lots of money, lots of girls, and killing others.  This documentary talked to people in the industry about what the music portrays even kids were spinning their own that would only mention guns killing people and other violent sides.  Yes I know that this type of violence is seen in other types of media like movies, TV, and video games but at the same time there is some difference in those types of media.  But at the same time the music all sounds the same with almost no difference between songs. 

One big question that was mentioned is why is all this music this way?  The response to this question was this is what the audience wants to hear.  If that’s the only reason then I think there is a big problem with society nowadays.  There was a movement with the woman community boycotting the hip hop music industry.  However most people in the industry didn’t care about the boycott because these people never bought their music to begin with so there was no lose of money.  So my one big question is if people that would normally buy the music, were to boycott the music they listen would the industry change what’s being said in this kind of music?

Now I know that most people that read this probably don’t listen to hip hop or rap much, but if the message out to those that do and make a point why it’s bad.  Maybe just maybe we could actually have them boycott the music to get a change in the industry……yeah this is just a thought or maybe a naïve wish but maybe one day it will happen.


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