Friday, March 13, 2009

Thinking about Disney Movies

So with this Journalism class we watch many different videos about media and so on. Another documentary that we watched last class session was Mickey Mouse Monopoly. This documentary made you really thing about what you see in those Disney movies and really make it hard to look at a Disney movie the same way. This documentary talked about some of the bad influences Disney movies have on children without most people even noticing.

There are many examples given like how most female characters look the same in their movies with a slim look and even large breasts. Other things were how they supported spouse abuse and inaccuracy historical events. Movies like Mulan and Pocahontas have some things that never happened in history like Pocahontas’s relationship with John Smith. They both existed but never had a romantic attraction or relationship; she later married another white man not John Smith. Or in the case of Mulan they Chinese coulter never had dress up nice and interviews to find a husband. Those are just two areas that historical events were false just to make the movie good and happy.

Another part is the promotion of abuse and staying with it in the movie Beauty and the Beast. In this movie the Beast is mean to Beauty, yells at her, treats her bad like no “food if she won’t eat with me”, tears her family apart. She stayed with him to try and find his inner good, this movie goes with spousal abuse or abusive husband beating on the wives and the wives staying with her husband.

Those are just some examples that this documentary talked about there were many other examples in the documentary. Now I just want to share this, I don’t want you to stop watching these movies or scare you about them. This documentary also made me want to go out and see a lot of these Disney movies that I have not seen in some time. It seams like the big point this documentary had was to make parents aware of what their children are watching and to give parents the tools to talk to their children with what they just saw in the movie they just watched. So I really recommend seeing this documentary to expand your thoughts and views of media with children. If anything else this will make you think more about what you see.


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