Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dinner Time Rudeness

As technology has gotten better and cheaper, it seems that almost everyone has a cell phone, many of them are smart phones. However as people use there phones it seems that they have forgotten their manners in public and with other people.

One might ask what is meant by that comment no I will explain in some detail with the following story to help demonstrate my point.

The other night I went out t dinner with my family as we were setting down to and looking at the menus, I saw both my brother and sister had there cell phones out under the table texting people and checking their Facebook. I luckily was not the only one to notice this, my dad noticed it and told them several times during dinner to put the phones away.

Our table was not the only one with this problem, as I looked around the room I saw many people at tables not talking to each other because they were on their phones. As I looked around I started to realize the problem that people are so addicted to their phones that they cannot go long without checking them.

I started to wonder if it would have just been better to leave our phones at home or in the car. But I would hate to have to suggest that just so we could have a nice family dinner.

I know I have been guilty of this behavior in the past checking my phone while I'm out eating with friends, but over the times I have noticed the problem in my self and have worked hard to change my ways. I've I ask what is so important that your phone has to be in your hand while your trying to enjoy family time? For the most part I would not have a new message in a few minutes of eating dinner or being in the company with friends,

Next time your out with people be kind show some manors and try to avoid looking at your phone. There is a reason you decided to go out with the person so show some respect. You can always tell others you are going out and will not be able to answer for a while or explain it to them after wards. Remember to think before you pick up that phone.

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