Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolution

So with every New Year come many new ideas in people’s minds as resolutions. Many people create there New Years resolutions and work hard to accomplish them, whether its reading X amount of books, or losing weight, and much more. My New Year resolution this year is a little different from what I know most people chose, I have decided to work on writing one blog post a week, and I will be doing a picture of the week too.

The weekly blog post will be posted at http://joshb86.blogspot.com/. I would like to do a daily blog post but I don’t believe I will have the time to write that much, which is why I chose once a week. I have decided to work on this because I have done blog posts in the past but after some time I just stop writing. Choosing weekly blog posts as a New Years resolution will hopefully keep me writing the posts. Some of the post will be random thoughts like this one, and other post will have a journalistic style to it.

The weekly picture will be posted at http://nanook86.tumblr.com/. This is something that I have wanted to do for some time now, and well I have finally decided to work on it. Again I would love to do a daily post but I don’t think I will have the time for that and that would be a lot of pictures. Most of the pictures will be ones from my phone and some from other types of cameras.

I do hope to post more then once a week for each and some weeks I will hopefully have multiple posts, but I will stick to at least once a week. I hope you guys enjoy them and always love to see feedback so that I can improve on things. Thank You All, well see how this New Years resolution go.

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