Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day with No Media or Electronics Part 2

So as I mentioned before I had to go a full day with out using any media or electronics for a class assignment. People are asking why electronic devices fall into the category of media? And well it's simple. In class not only is most electronic device media recovers like the radio and TV but they are also media creators like blogging on your computer or texting. If you think about it 95% of what people do is revolving around some type of media whether it's in the digital or analog world.

So to get back tithe main topic Monday I went a whole 24 hours with out using any media directly. What I mean by directly is that I did not go to facebook, or turn on the TV, or looked at my phone. However there are some firms of media that could not be avoided like adds on buses, billboards and other places that people cannot avoid unless they are blind.

One thing I knew from the start is how media dependent a person can be when they are able to use it all day. It felt weird getting up in the morning because I usually start my day checking my email, text messages and then turning on my iPod to listen to my daily tech news podcast from the day before. However Monday I could not do any of that. Instead I was smart to turn off my phone and computer the night before so I would not be tempted by those devices, I even had to find a watch to use for Monday because I usually use my phone as my clock. As I drive around I soon realized how quiet the car ride was when I can't use the radio. Slowly as the day went by it got harder and harder to do things that I would normally do with out a problem like intertwining myself. What did make the day some what easier then other days is that Monday is a long day for ne since I have work and school from 4-9:45 and I had a midterm in one of my classes so I did use some if my free time studying for that midterm. When I got home from the day I just went straight to bed being that it was 9:30 and most if what I do at night is on my computer.

This assignment was not only interesting to look at but hard to do being able to go a whole day with out using any media directly. My dad said it should be easy since I do it over the summer and my response to that is that is hard when it's around you and easy to use. Over the summer I work at a camp where the Internet is slow and there is no cell service and since it is like that it's easy to go with out media but here there is cell service and the Internet is fast. Over all it was not horrible to do it more like annoyed. Now I have to work on writing it all up for class.


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