Saturday, October 30, 2010

Boxer and Feinstein at CSUN

Yesterday Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer came to California State University Northridge, for a Democratic support rally. As I got to the event I had to find a way in because I did not know that I had to preregister for the event, I was told about it by my Journalism Teacher. He wanted us to go to the event to cover it and write a article about it for extra credit. After some time I was able to get in wearing a CSUN shirt they wanted me to be on stage behind where the speakers will be. However after some time on the stage I was able to slip away and get into the audience so that I could actually pay more attention to what is being said and be able to take notes on the event.

When I got in there one thing I noticed was they had everyone inside the event on there phones calling people to see who they were supporting in the election trying to get more support for Boxer. I found this to be very interesting. I also found it interesting because while on stage before I left it there were telling everyone what to do and how to act also teaching them the signals of when to cheer and other reactions. I found this part interesting because I was always told that it was done, but I had never experienced it in person until now.

The rest of the event was a typical rally, with much cheering as Boxer and Feinstein would enter the building, leaving the building, and during the speeches. You also had what seemed like the typical speeches about what they supported and did not support and about Boxers opposition supported and did not supported. You also had a lot of what someone would call trash talking, so much just like you get every year during on election its becoming hard to know what is true and not true, which is typical for elections. The other think Boxer talked about was a call to arms or well a call to have those who support her to go out and vote, to get everyone they new to vote, to tell all to vote during this very important elections.

I found this event to be interesting being that this was the first time I had gone to something like this. I have seen them on the television in the past but it is defiantly different in person. Now I have to go back actually writing the article for my class.

My one note from this, is no matter who you support during this election you need to get out and vote this Tuesday November 2nd its a very important election for our future.

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