Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day with no media

This semester I'm taking a intro journalism class that revolves around media in culture. One of our big assignments this semester is to go a whole week documenting every time we use any type of media, calling it our media journal. Once we have done that we have to choose one day the following week to go the whole day with out media. Before I go farther I should probably let you all know what falls into the media category.

For the idea of the assignment; media can be seen as any written or electronic device that you would use to get information or make information. That might be a little confusing to some people so things that would fall into that category is: books, Internet, newspapers, TV, music and radio, phones, and more. With that list I hope it gives you a better idea of what I have to do and won't be able to use for a day.

This Assignment is easy in the idea that you have to keep track of everything media you use for the week. The hard part is having to go a whole day with out media. I say that because I spend most of my day on my iPod touch; listening to music and podcasts, checking email, playing games, social networks, writing and much more. On top if that I use the Internet a lot for work and personal things in a day. So I will have to go a whole day with out any of it, I guess I'll just unplug all my computers and leave my iPod at home for the day.

There is on exception to the whole thing and that is if you are using the media for class or work. Even if you do that you still have to talk about it in your write up at the end of the assignment. For the assignment I have chosen Monday as my no media day because it's the day that I spend the most time away from my house and my computers. I have work from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm and classes from 4:00 to 9:45 so I figure when I get home I can just go to sleep. I will let you all know how I do when I can use media again.

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