Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So right now sucks because I have gotten sick which really sucks especially around the holiday season. But because of this I posed a question to my friend. When you sick why does the body seem to get colder then usual. This always seems to happen and reminds me when I was little my parents always told me keep worm to get better which I hated cause it was always so hot.

But back to the question I asked my friend did respond in a very complex reason that I'm sure will be more understandable when I feel better cause when I'm sick I seem to act like a little kid.

(My friends): you're immune system is down...chills are caused by your body trying to maintain probably have a temperature, so to compensate for it your body sweats to cool itself down, subsequently perspiring in combination with air causes chills, so then your body thinks you're cold, so then to try to get homeostasis back, you're body makes you shiver which generates body heat, thus causing a's a vicious cycle

it sounds both right and good and she says to trust I do..........

so I'm really scattered brain and I'm not sure why I'm sharing this oh well.............I think I should try sleeping......


Thursday, December 13, 2007


Over the years many of us start to get attached to items to you like, you might keep it hidden and you might wear it everyday. I myself have items that are symbolic to me that I not only have at home but also wear. The two things that I wear all the time that people always ask me about are a flag grommet and a piece of climbing rope.

This is a picture of the flag grommet I wear as a neclis all the time. it came from on American flag that I helped retired at Camp Whitsett back in 2004. This reminds me of camp all the time what I do their and the fun that I have had. Also to remind me of the friends that I have made their and why I keep going back to work camp over the summer.

This on my ankle is a piece of climbing rope that I have fused on together onto my ankle. All of members that work on the high adventure staff for a summer get the option of having one on them to. I wear it not only to show that i have worked high adventure staff but also to show that I would trust this rope with my life (which you need to when your 35 feet in the air).

We all have symbols for stuff and these are two things that I wear that mean a lot to me. I'm sure you have something too just remember how much it means to you and why.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

No One Knows

No one knows what I know,
No one feels what I Feel,
No one knows who I love,
No one hates who I hate,
no one knows my life,
and no one knows my life.

This is a poem I wrote back in middle school and just found it again. At the time I wrote it I was going through some hard times getting into trouble and feeling depressed at the time. That was a bad point in my life where I didn't feel like I new anything and I felt like I had no friends. I look back at that and just see something that at one point was bad but I use that to help others when they’re in a bad spot. Cause it was like I had no friends at the time (I did but it didn't seem like it). I want to be there for my friends.

I find it funny that I'm post this poem and saying a little about my past cause this is one thing that not to many of my friends new happened I kept it to myself (which is always bad). Its funny cause I really didn't tell many people about all that stuff and now I'm writing it on a blog for the whole world to read...haha.....but then its only small stuff if you really want to know more about what happened and how I got out of it you can always contact me and maybe just maybe I will share with you my past.

I look at the poem and I really like it now that I'm out of that point of my life. I always look back at things and learn from them, which is what I did. I hope you enjoy the poem like I do.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Program (thinking)

Over the last few years I have started to learn different program languages. Two of the ones I have learned are HTML (for website) and c++ (a backbone to may programs) also have used JAVA. I'm not sure why I have decided to take them, I'm just interested in how it all works I guess.

The classes I have taken in the programming subject has really started to change the way i think when it comes to computer programs and how they work. I find my self many times online looking at websites and thinking to my self how they could have been made and some of the coding behind the web page. Well you could say the same goes for programs that I use on the computer. Many times as I'm playing a game or using some other program I'm thinking of how much code would be in just one part of program like if you look at a character on a video game and all the movement that can be done when you press different keys on the computer. I'm not that good of a programmer but even with the what I now I just think about how much time and effort it took to make that one part of the program and all the lines of code that went into that one section.

I find it funny that I have started to think about all this stuff when it comes down to the computer and programs. I think part of its the college classes and learning new things. Some people may think its weird that I have started to analyze what I do on the computer and thinking about how much effort went into something that many of use take for granted everyday (I know I do). What college and school in general can do to the way a person thinks.

So I end this with the following question that I ask you the read who ever it may be: What have you started to analyze in your everyday life that may have been shown to you by some type of class? Don't say their is nothing because I have taken many classes that have changed the way I think but I decided to talk about programs and programming. This question I ask you can be a silent one or if you would like to share with others do so.


Friday, December 7, 2007


Weird a word that friends would usually use to describe me. I always here "josh your weird" or something like that but then I usually respond to that as what’s new?..... LOL This is just one example of the word that I hear or use with friends all the time and I’m sure many of you guys have used or heard the word "weird" used before. One thing about this word always makes me think: What is the definition of this word "weird."

You may say it is a simple question just go look it up in the dictionary and you will find your answer. I would say that I have done that many times and the definition in the dictionary doesn't really help at all. "Weird: mysterious or bizarre" from the Webster’s New World Dictionary 4th ed. That’s just one version of the definition I have read others like something that is not normal or out of the ordinary. Those kinds of definitions may work if your talking about a computer not doing something its supposed to or on inanimate object but I don't think it works when it comes down to people.

One problem with the def is if your going with the one that says "weird: is some one that's not normal" Well what you say is normal. I don't think you can say that one person is normal and the other person is weird because everyone is different and we all act different. That’s what makes us humans that we are different so how can u say that one person is not normal? If you were to ask me about this word I would have to say that everyone is weird in some way because everyone is different. You might say someone is weird when u compares them to yourself which is one way a lot of people would do it. I think that this could go even deeper in the meaning of the word and the way people act but this is not the place for that.

Weird is a word that you could use to describe everyone once in a while so its up to you and the use of the word. I know personally I don't mind when people call me weird because I think it is better then calling normal because I'm different from everyone else and that’s what I think the word "weird" is good for. I use the word all the time to describe people and myself. How do you use the word??

LOL <(''<) 

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Every day friends talk in person, over the phone, emails, facebook, aim and much more. Most of the time the friends ask each other how they are doing and one thing that is said a lot is "bored". Boredom is something that I’m sure most of us have gone through and probably deal with all the time. Boredom can happen all the time in class, at home, at work, with friends and so many other places.

A funny thing about being bored is that you may have plenty of work to do but still be bored. Sometimes the amount of work one has can be over whelming that they do not want to work on things their supposed to so instead they you don't do the work and have really no desire to do anything else which can lead to one being bored.

I know for me I can be in front of the computer like right now and still be bored cause I cant think of anything to do and nobody is one to talk to which sucks. Another time I experience boredom is while in class, sometimes your taking such a dry subject that just is so boring it can put you to sleep which is also bad. Their have been times where I have been in class so bored that I go through my phone to find people to text. Sometimes I get responses from my friend other times I do not so my boredom continues in the class till the subject changes or until the class is over.

I know everyone feels boredom and always wonder what those people do when their bored do they find something fun to do or not and continue to be bored. This is one thing that I would love to find out from other people, what they do when their bored?

Boredom a word that can be so much more and lead to something not fun. "I'm bored" is something that I know I will experience for a long time and always hear from my friends its a word that makes me thing and that I find


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sleep or Not Sleep

A word that is used all the time directly to tell you to rest and used indirectly using a variety of other words. Like you need sleep, time to sleep, go to bed you look tired and so on.....

Friends, family, and other people always talk about sleep when their tired, bored or when their not feeling well. However what you u say is sleep? I ask this cause we have different words for the same thing, sleep/bed and nap.

People could say that sleep is a long period of unconscious rest and nap is a shorter version of sleep however I think that this can be interpreted other ways. I have my own definition of the two words that could mean the same or similar thing.

See I think of sleep I always thing of what were told in school health class that you need to sleep at least 8 hours to be healthy. So does that make a nap anything less then 8 hours? does sleep have to be at night cause people may work the night shift and sleep in the day when most people are up.

I have decided to go with that def or theory that sleep is sleep when you are resting in on unconscious state for 8 hours or more and I say that nap is less then 8 hours. I find this funny cause I really don't sleep based of this I nap, I don't sleep for 8 hours most time unless it’s the weekend cause I’m usually up to at least midnight every night unless I'm really tired. So I use the sleep word maybe I should replace it with nap LOL....well I kind of do anyone that knows me knows that I always ask if its nap time because I'm usually tired. ^_^

Well I'm writing this now in a tired state so I'm not sure if any of this is making sense or just a lot of random words being posted on the web for my own fun. what ever its for you to decide or not decide I guess. So it is late and maybe I should take a nap seeing that I have class at 8AM and I have to be up in about 6 or 7 hours.

^_^ (for my friends happy thoughts!!!) Night All!! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So when you with your friends their is always some level of playing around and joking about all shorts of things. But how do you know when a joke goes from a joke to something more serious? That sounds a little complicated doesn't it? Well I know it does to me sitting here trying to write something that makes sense to myself and people reading this; so I will explain a little more.

So while on the phone today talking to one of my best friends, I made a comment to her that’s supposed to be taken as a joke (which it was) but as we started to joke more comments were made. At that point I started to get on the fine line of the joke and hurting my friends feelings with what I was going to say. (I hope this helps with the question I have asked)

So it gets down to how fare can you take a joke before it seems to be reality and turn into a bad situation? I have had this many times because I like to joke around with my friends but sometimes I take a joke to far and I don't mean it.

I guess part of it comes down to talking with your friend about that deciding when you start to go to far and stop it before it gets out of hand. or know your friend and their limits.......So I would love to get feed back with ideas on how this could be worked out if you have had this happen and found a way to deal with this problem.

(I hope this makes some sense)
