Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So when you with your friends their is always some level of playing around and joking about all shorts of things. But how do you know when a joke goes from a joke to something more serious? That sounds a little complicated doesn't it? Well I know it does to me sitting here trying to write something that makes sense to myself and people reading this; so I will explain a little more.

So while on the phone today talking to one of my best friends, I made a comment to her that’s supposed to be taken as a joke (which it was) but as we started to joke more comments were made. At that point I started to get on the fine line of the joke and hurting my friends feelings with what I was going to say. (I hope this helps with the question I have asked)

So it gets down to how fare can you take a joke before it seems to be reality and turn into a bad situation? I have had this many times because I like to joke around with my friends but sometimes I take a joke to far and I don't mean it.

I guess part of it comes down to talking with your friend about that deciding when you start to go to far and stop it before it gets out of hand. or know your friend and their limits.......So I would love to get feed back with ideas on how this could be worked out if you have had this happen and found a way to deal with this problem.

(I hope this makes some sense)


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