Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sleep or Not Sleep

A word that is used all the time directly to tell you to rest and used indirectly using a variety of other words. Like you need sleep, time to sleep, go to bed you look tired and so on.....

Friends, family, and other people always talk about sleep when their tired, bored or when their not feeling well. However what you u say is sleep? I ask this cause we have different words for the same thing, sleep/bed and nap.

People could say that sleep is a long period of unconscious rest and nap is a shorter version of sleep however I think that this can be interpreted other ways. I have my own definition of the two words that could mean the same or similar thing.

See I think of sleep I always thing of what were told in school health class that you need to sleep at least 8 hours to be healthy. So does that make a nap anything less then 8 hours? does sleep have to be at night cause people may work the night shift and sleep in the day when most people are up.

I have decided to go with that def or theory that sleep is sleep when you are resting in on unconscious state for 8 hours or more and I say that nap is less then 8 hours. I find this funny cause I really don't sleep based of this I nap, I don't sleep for 8 hours most time unless it’s the weekend cause I’m usually up to at least midnight every night unless I'm really tired. So I use the sleep word maybe I should replace it with nap LOL....well I kind of do anyone that knows me knows that I always ask if its nap time because I'm usually tired. ^_^

Well I'm writing this now in a tired state so I'm not sure if any of this is making sense or just a lot of random words being posted on the web for my own fun. what ever its for you to decide or not decide I guess. So it is late and maybe I should take a nap seeing that I have class at 8AM and I have to be up in about 6 or 7 hours.

^_^ (for my friends happy thoughts!!!) Night All!! 

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