Friday, December 7, 2007


Weird a word that friends would usually use to describe me. I always here "josh your weird" or something like that but then I usually respond to that as what’s new?..... LOL This is just one example of the word that I hear or use with friends all the time and I’m sure many of you guys have used or heard the word "weird" used before. One thing about this word always makes me think: What is the definition of this word "weird."

You may say it is a simple question just go look it up in the dictionary and you will find your answer. I would say that I have done that many times and the definition in the dictionary doesn't really help at all. "Weird: mysterious or bizarre" from the Webster’s New World Dictionary 4th ed. That’s just one version of the definition I have read others like something that is not normal or out of the ordinary. Those kinds of definitions may work if your talking about a computer not doing something its supposed to or on inanimate object but I don't think it works when it comes down to people.

One problem with the def is if your going with the one that says "weird: is some one that's not normal" Well what you say is normal. I don't think you can say that one person is normal and the other person is weird because everyone is different and we all act different. That’s what makes us humans that we are different so how can u say that one person is not normal? If you were to ask me about this word I would have to say that everyone is weird in some way because everyone is different. You might say someone is weird when u compares them to yourself which is one way a lot of people would do it. I think that this could go even deeper in the meaning of the word and the way people act but this is not the place for that.

Weird is a word that you could use to describe everyone once in a while so its up to you and the use of the word. I know personally I don't mind when people call me weird because I think it is better then calling normal because I'm different from everyone else and that’s what I think the word "weird" is good for. I use the word all the time to describe people and myself. How do you use the word??

LOL <(''<) 

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