Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So right now sucks because I have gotten sick which really sucks especially around the holiday season. But because of this I posed a question to my friend. When you sick why does the body seem to get colder then usual. This always seems to happen and reminds me when I was little my parents always told me keep worm to get better which I hated cause it was always so hot.

But back to the question I asked my friend did respond in a very complex reason that I'm sure will be more understandable when I feel better cause when I'm sick I seem to act like a little kid.

(My friends): you're immune system is down...chills are caused by your body trying to maintain probably have a temperature, so to compensate for it your body sweats to cool itself down, subsequently perspiring in combination with air causes chills, so then your body thinks you're cold, so then to try to get homeostasis back, you're body makes you shiver which generates body heat, thus causing a's a vicious cycle

it sounds both right and good and she says to trust I do..........

so I'm really scattered brain and I'm not sure why I'm sharing this oh well.............I think I should try sleeping......


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